Battle Beyond The Stars 01. Main Title (2:00) 02. Malmori Rear Guard (3:52) 03. The Battle Begins (4:33) 04. Nanelia And Shad (1:27) 05. Cowboy And The Jackers (3:36) 06. Nanelia's Capture (1:29) 07. The Maze Battle (3:11) 08. Shad's Pursuit (3:23) 09. Cowboy's Attack (1:45) 10. Love Theme (3:52) 11. The Hunter (1:40) 12. Gelt's Death (1:30) 13. Nanelia (1:32) 14. Heading For Sador (:59) 15. Destruction Of Hammerhead (2:36) 16. Epilogue / End Title (5:03) Humanoids From The Deep 17. Main Title (2:27) 18. The Buck-O (3:45) 19. Unwelcome Visitor (2:02) 20. Night Swim (1:48) 21. Jerry And Peggy (:57) 22. Trip Upriver (1:58) 23. The Humanoids Attack (2:54) 24. Jerry's Death (2:04) 25. Search For Clues (1:56) 26. Strange Catch (1:07) 27. The Grotto (3:22) 28. Night Prowlers (2:08) 29. Final Confrontation (3:04) 30. Aftermath and New Birth (2:22) 31. End Title (2:12)
Casting de Battle Beyond the Stars
Les personnalités principales et leurs rôles dans le casting
James Horner
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Informations complémentaires sur Battle Beyond the Stars
- Titre (France) : battle beyond the stars
- Titre (France) : humanoids from the deep