Todd Strauss-Schulson
- Date de naissance : le 24/01/1980
- Lieu de naissance : Forest Hills, Etats-Unis d'Amérique
- Nationalité : Américain
- Age : 44 ans
- Sexe : Homme
- Implication : Aucun rôle dans l'imaginaire
Filmographie sélective de Todd Strauss-Schulson
Untitled Strauss-Schulson Fogel Pilot (TV Movie) (filming)
2015 Scream Girl
2014/I All's Fair (Short)
2013 Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (TV Series) (3 episodes)
- Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Scary (2013)
- Zach Stone Is Gonna Be an Actor (2013)
- Zach Stone Is Gonna Go Missing (2013)
2013 Onion News Empire (TV Movie)
2013 Valibation (Short)
2012 The Inbetweeners (TV Series) (3 episodes)
- Crystal Springs (2012)
- Class Clown (2012)
- Club Code (2012)
2011 The Master Cleanse (Short)
2011 Zombies and Cheerleaders (TV Series)
2010 Naked But Funny (TV Movie)
2009 Dragon Slayerz (Short)
2009 Blimp Prom (TV Movie)
2008 Big Pussy (Video short)
2008 Private High Musical
2008 Gaytown (TV Series) (3 episodes)
- Bad Ideas (2008)
- Born Sinners (2008)
- Assume the Position (2008)
2008 Mano-a-Mano (Short)
2005 Snap*Pop (Short)
2003 MTV Whatever Things (TV Series) (season 3)
1998 Backlash (Short)
1997 Larceny (Short)