Aborted : Goremageddon : the saw and the carnage done [2003]
Staff (1)85
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Impatience Bientôt

1. "Meticulous Invagination" 3:02
2. "Parasitic Flesh Resection" 2:10
3. "The Saw and the Carnage Done" 4:51
4. "Ornaments of Derision" 4:54
5. "Sanguine Verses (...of Extirpation)" 2:58
6. "Charted Carnal Effigy" 3:31
7. "Clinical Colostomy" 3:29
8. "Medical Deviance" 3:11
9. "Sea of Cartilage" 3:02
10. "Nemesis" 2:59
11. "Carnal Forge" (Carcass cover, 2009 bonus track) 4:03
12. "Gestated Rabidity" (2009 bonus track) 4:13
13. "Voracious Haemoglobinic Syndrome" (2009 bonus track)

Date de sortie en France : 22 avril 2003
Oeuvre : Aborted
Thèmes abordés: Gore , Sadisme / Torture / Snuff / WIP

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Informations complémentaires sur Goremageddon : the saw and the carnage done

  • Titre (France) : Goremageddon : the saw and the carnage done