01. Main Title (Captain Nemo’s Theme) 2:26
02. Street Fight 1:04
03. Aboard the Abraham Lincoln/
Hunting the Monster 2:29
04. A Whale of a Tale 2:10
05. The Monster Attacks 2:21
06. Deserted Sub/Burial/Captured 9:14
07. Fifty Fathoms/The Island of Crespo 8:45
08. Storm at Sea/Nemo Plays 2:26
09. Strange Man of the Seas 4:04
10. Nemo’s Torment 1:00
11. Justified Hate 1:29
12. Searching Nemo’s Cabin 4:02
13. Ned’s Bottles 0:44
14. Ashore at New Guinea 2:55
15. Native Drums/Back to the Nautilus 3:50
16. Submerge 1:45
17. The Giant Squid 6:54
18. Ambush at Vulcania 4:47
19. Nemo Wounded 2:44
20. Escape from Vulcania 3:43
21. Finale / Deep Is the Mighty Ocean 0:52
22. A Whale of a Tale (Single) 2:07 - Kirk Douglas
23. And the Moon Grew Brighter and Brighter (Single B Side) 2:32
- Kirk Douglas
24. A Whale of a Tale 2:22 - Bill Kanady
25. A Whale of a Tale 2:00 - The Wellingtons
26. A Whale of a Tale (Reprise) 0:12 - Kirk Douglas
Thèmes abordés: Science-Fiction , Fantastique , Créatures imaginaires et fantastiques , Grands Classiques , Planet opera , Monstres légendaires , Aventure Marine
Casting de 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Les personnalités principales et leurs rôles dans le casting
Paul J. Smith
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Informations complémentaires sur 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
- Titre (France) : 20000 Leagues Under the Sea