1. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – Main Title (Danny Elfman) 1:05 2-12. Beware The Gray Ghost (Carl Swander Johnson) 13-19. The Cat And The Claw, Part I (Harvey R. Cohen, Wayne Coster, Shirley Walker) 20-26. The Cat And The Claw, Part II (Harvey R. Cohen) 27-30. The Cat And The Claw (Bonus Tracks) 31-39. Nothing To Fear (Shirley Walker) 40-49. Heart Of Ice (Todd Hayen, Shirley Walker) 50. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – End Credits (Extended) (Danny Elfman) 0:46
1. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – Main Title (Piano Version)(Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:03 2-10. Appointment In Crime Alley (Stuart Balcomb) 11-19. Mad As A Hatter (Harvey R. Cohen) 20-25. The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne (Lolita Ritmanis) 26-34. I’ve Got Batman In My Basement (Shirley Walker, Carlos Rodriguez) 35-42. Feat Of Clay, Part I (Jeff Atmajian,Shirley Walker, Carl Swander Johnson) 43-49. Feat Of Clay, Part II (Shirley Walker) 50. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – End Credits (Alternate Beginning) (Danny Elfman) 0:48
1. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – Main Title (MIDI Version)(Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker) 1:04 2-12. Almost Got ‘Im (Stuart Balcomb) 13-23. If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Rich? (Carlos Rodriguez) 24-31. The Demon’s Quest, Part I (Michael Mccuistion) 32-40. The Demon’s Quest, Part II (Harvey R. Cohen) 41-49. The Laughing Fish (Shirley Walker) 50. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – End Credits (Alternate Ending) (Danny Elfman) 0:44
1. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – Main Title (with Sound Effects) (Danny Elfman) 1:04 2-6. Shadow of the Bat, Part I (Shirley Walker) 7-14. Shadow of the Bat, Part II (Harvey R. Cohen) 15-16. Shadow of the Bat (Bonus Tracks) 17-21. Harley And Ivy (Peter Davison, Michael Mccuistion, Lolita Ritmanis, Shirley Walker) 22-27. Read My Lips (Shirley Walker) 28-33. Fire From Olympus (Shirley Walker) 34. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES – End Credits (Alternate Beginning and Ending) 0:43
Editions de Batman: tne animated series VOl.2
Batman: tne animated series VOl.2 - 4CD
CD Audio - La-La Land 29 juillet 2012
Prix conseillé : 60,00€
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