01. The Poppy Fields 3:41 Hear This Track
02. The Clouded Mind 6:43 Hear This Track
03. I’ll Be There 3:55
04. No Shadow 0:33
05. Secrets 3:08 Hear This Track
06. Don’t Open It! 4:15 Hear This Track
07. Do You Believe? 2:24
08. The Sanctum 3:34
09. Who Are You? 4:46
10. The Code 0:59
11. The Call 2:36
12. No Thought 1:19
13. Chest Pains 3:27 Hear This Track
14. A Mission 2:35
15. Nice Tie 2:49
16. The Knife 3:06 Hear This Track
17. What I Know 4:48
18. The Jumper 1:21
19. The Tank 4:06 Hear This Track
Part 1 Total Time: 60:09
01. The Dream 1:59
02. Get Dr. Lane 1:05
03. The Hotel 5:55
04. Fight Like A Man 4:13 Hear This Track
05. The Mirrors 4:58
06. The Mirrors (Alternate Version) 4:04 Hear This Track
07. Frontal Lobotomy 2:30 Hear This Track
08. Wild Drums 0:19
09. Dinner Source (Dennis Dreith) 1:06
10. Bart’s Bounce (Dennis Dreith) 2:06
Original 1994 Arista Soundtrack Album
11. The Shadow Knows… 1994 ALEC BALDWIN 0:08
12. Original Sin (Theme From The Shadow) (Steinman) TAYLOR DANE 6:27
13. The Poppy Fields (Main Title) 3:16
14. Some Kind Of Mystery (Warren) SINOA 3:48
15. The Sanctum 3:33
16. Who Are You? 4:02
17. Chest Pains 3:26
18. The Knife 3:05
19. The Hotel 5:53
20. The Tank 4:08
21. Frontal Lobotomy 2:28
22. Original Sin (Theme From The Shadow) (Steinman) Film Mix TAYLOR DANE 5:02 Hear This Track
23. The Shadow Radio Show 1937: “Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men?” ORSON WELLES 0:29
Album Total Time: 46:15
Thèmes abordés: Fantastique , Magie / Occultisme , Voyages dans le temps , Lutte du Bien contre le Mal , Savants Fou , Angoisse / Frisson / Mystère , Aventure exotique , Pulp , Action ( Guerre , Aventures, Combat)
Editions de The Shadow 2 CD
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Informations complémentaires sur The Shadow 2 CD
- Titre (France) : The Shadow 2 CD