Prix Hugo 2008
Encore un prix pour Michael Chabon

La cérémonie se déroulait au World Science Fiction Convention à Denver (USA). Les prix ont été remis le 09 août 2008.
Les résultats sont les suivants:
NOVEL The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon (HarperCollins; Fourth Estate)
NOVELLA "All Seated on the Ground", Connie Willis (Asimov's Dec 2007; Subterranean Press)
NOVELETTE "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate", Ted Chiang (F&SF Sep 2007)
SHORT STORY "Tideline", Elizabeth Bear (Asimov's Jun 2007)
RELATED BOOK Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction, Jeff Prucher (Oxford University Press) DRAMATIC PRESENTATION: LONG FORM Stardust (Written by Jane Goldman & Matthew Vaughn, based on the novel by Neil Gaiman. Directed by Matthew Vaughn. Paramount Pictures)
DRAMATIC PRESENTATION: SHORT FORM Doctor Who: "Blink" (Written by Stephen Moffat. Directed by Hettie Macdonald. BBC) EDITOR, SHORT FORM Gordon Van Gelder EDITOR, LONG FORM David G. Hartwell
SEMIPROZINE Locus, Charles N. Brown, Kirsten Gong-Wong & Liza Groen Trombi FANZINE File 770, Mike Glyer
FAN WRITER John Scalzi
FAN ARTIST Brad Foster
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer (Not a Hugo) Mary Robinette Kowal

Auteur : Manu B.
Publié le dimanche 10 août 2008 à 15h00

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