1. Samson and Delilah
2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Opening Title)
3. Sarah Connor's Theme [Pilot]
4. Cromartie in the Hospital [The Turk]
5. Andy Goode's Turk [Queen's Gambit]
6. Central America [Queen's Gambit]
7. John and Riley [Automatic for the People]
8. Derek Reese [Queen's Gambit and the DeMon's Hand]
9. Ain't We Famous [Automatic for the People]
10. Motorcycle Robot Chase [Gnothi Seuton]
11. Hand of God [The DeMon Hand]
12. Prisoners of War [Dungeons & Dragons]
13. Miles Dyson's Grave [The Turk]
14. Atomic Al's Merry Melody [Automatic for the People]
15. Reese Boys [What He Beheld]
16. Removing Cameron's Chip [Vick's Chip]
17. Ellison Spared [What He Beheld]
18. I Love You [Samson & DeLilah]
19. Catherine Weaver [Samson & DeLilah]
20. Derek's Mission [Dungeons & Dragons]
21. There's a Storm Coming [Dungeons & Dragons]
22. Highway Battle [Queen's Gambit]
23. Perfect Creatures [The DeMon Hand]
24. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (End Credits)
Thèmes abordés: Robots , Univers Futuristes / Hightech , Post Apocalyptique , Voyages dans le temps , Hard Science (Futur proche) , Action ( Guerre , Aventures, Combat)
Casting de Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Les personnalités principales et leurs rôles dans le casting
Bear McCreary
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Informations complémentaires sur Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- Titre (France) : Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles