CD Audio Star Trek, Vol. 2 - CD Audio /

Star Trek, Vol. 2

à propos du musique

  • Prix public conseillé : inconnu
  • Date de sortie : 21 janvier 1992 Il y a 32 ans

Comparer les prix sur Le musique Star Trek, Vol. 2

Rappel du synopsis

1. Star Trek (Main Title) 2. Approach of Enterprise, the Constellation 3. Going Aboard 4. Commander Matt Decker/The Crew That Was 5. What Is Doomsday Machine/The Planet Killer 6. Strange Boom/Decker Takes Over 7. New Commander/Light Beams/Tractor Beam 8. Violent Shakes 9. Spock Takes Command/Decker's Foil/Sneaky Commodore 10. Goodbye Mr. Decker 11. Condolences/Power Drain 12. Kirk Does It Again 13. One's Enough 14. Vulcan Fanfare/Prying 15. Mr. Spock 16. Contrary Order 17. T 'Pring 18. Marriage Council 19. Vulcan 20. Processional 21. Challenge 22. Ritual/Ancient Battle/2nd Kroykah 23. Remorse/Marriage Council II 24. Resignation/Lazarus Return/Pig's Eye 25. Star Trek (End Title)